Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Company We Keep

According to this Amnesty International study, the U.S. had the fourth-highest number of executions in the world in 2008. First, second, and third were China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Fifth was Pakistan.

Granted, absolute numbers that don't adjust for population are skewed. And, granted, the U.S. number is going down. Still - Iran? Saudi Arabia? Pakistan? Do we want our country on this list?

And anyone who abhors the idea of spending tax dollars to keep killers alive should read this Economist article. Life imprisonment is cheaper than execution.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Actual Numbers Trump Vague Threats

Daniel Gross has a very nice analysis of Republican tax increase FUD. If you're making $300K, you'll pay an extra two grand in taxes. Is that really going to drive a lot of successful entrepreneurs onto the welfare rolls?